Latvian student corporations in the context of Latvian society and statehood development. The example of “Lettonia”

The history of the Baltic student lifelong organizations – corporations – is important, however, to date this topic in the history of Latvia has academically been scarcely discussed. As a tribute to the 100th anniversary of the University of Latvia and the 150th anniversary of the lifelong student organization itself, “Lettonia” Graduate Members’ Assistance Association intends to publish an academic study dedicated to the history of “Lettonia” and the overall history of Latvian student corporations. The authors of the collective monograph are academically educated historians, including employees of the UL Institute of History and the UL Faculty of History and Philosophy.

Total costs: EUR 19 400

Project manager: Aldis Austers, Studentu korporācijas “Lettonia” Filistru palīdzības biedrība (Student Corporation “Lettonia” Graduate Members’ Assistance Association)