Professor Vitauts Tamužs speaking at the XVIII International MCM Scientific Conference (2014). Photo from the archive of the Institute of Polymer Mechanics of the University of Latvia.

Professor Vitauts Tamužs (1935-2019) of the University of Latvia (UL) has bequeathed EUR 5 000 to support young researchers in the field of materials science. This prize fund is intended for the best authors of the international scientific journal of composite materials mechanics “Mechanics of Composite Materials” from amongst Latvian scientists. The prize will be administered by the UL Foundation.

The patron, recently departed Vitauts Tamužs was a strong scientific and organizational driving force. He is known as an outstanding Latvian scientist, academician, as well as the creator of the Latvian Scientific School of Composite Materials Mechanics. The studies, discoveries and specialists trained by the UL Professor V. Tamužs continue to promote the development of materials science at the global level. The professor has long been one of the world's leading specialists in this field, and due to his research and significant contribution to the development of science, Professor V. Tamužs has been elected an honorary member of two of the most prestigious scientific organizations in Europe – the European Academy of Science and the Academia Europaea.

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(1) Vitauts Tamužs and Valdis Pumpurs – talented students from Rucava, who studied at the most prestigious educational institution in Moscow at that time. (2) Half-year internship in the USA (1975). Photo from Tamuži family archive.

Great future opportunities

V. Tamužs completed his studies in the field of mechanics at the then prestigious university, Moscow University, with distinction. He continued his career in science in Latvia, leading one of the laboratories of the Institute of Polymer Mechanics of the University of Latvia, as well as taught students. He was one of the founders of the Department of Electrodynamics and Continuum Mechanics, Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry, University of Latvia. Between 1975 and 2019, V. Tamužs authored or co-authored six monographs, published about 300 articles in various scientific journals, thus leaving a valuable legacy for future researchers in the field of composite materials mechanics.

As a scientist, V. Tamužs has been endowed with joy of life, perseverance, relentless curiosity, versatility and a broad view of life, an intrinsic sense of truth and justice. He always followed his call to achieve his goals. V. Tamužs had constantly been at the forefront of research in his field of science.

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(1) Vitauts Tamužs during the defense of the dissertation. (2) With Laris, who was more than a dog. Photo from Tamuži family archive.

Science as an imperative objective

Those working in the field of materials science play an important role in the development of technology. “... members of our profession can, without an exaggeration, to a certain extent be called the predictors of material future. Every major or minor catastrophe always has a previously known incubation, preparation period, during which various structural changes, such as microcracks, have accumulated in the material. Our task is to identify these structural changes in materials, which can become completely dangerous over time,” said Professor V. Tamužs (Kāda pētnieka dzīve (“The Life of a Researcher”), E. Ruka, 2018).

Since 1965, the international scientific journal “Mechanics of Composite Materials” („Механика композитных материалов”) is issued six times a year. From 1988 to 2017, V. Tamužs was the editor-in-chief of this journal, but later, until the last day of his life, the scientific editor-in-chief of the journal. Today, the management of the journal has been taken over by Professor Andris K. Čate. The journal contains original results of experimental and theoretical research on composite materials, as well as the attributes and behaviour of their matrixes and reinforcement. The journal particularly highlights the topics pertaining to mechanics of nanocomposites and biocomposites, mechanical aspects of technology, optimal design methods for materials and structures, etc. The journal is published simultaneously in Russian and English. “Numbers and formulas are the same in all languages,” V. Tamužs himself once said.

For many years, under the leadership of V. Tamužs, the Institute of Polymer Mechanics of the University of Latvia organized international scientific conferences in the field of composite materials. Since 1960, they have taken place every two years in Riga or Lielupe, Jūrmala, bringing together specialists in the field of composite materials from all over the world. The next conference is scheduled for 2022.

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(1) Conversation with Prof. Jānis Dundurs during the visit of Chicago, USA. Photo from Tamuži family archive. (2) Participating in the XVIII International MCM Scientific Conference (2014). Photo from the archive of the Institute of Polymer Mechanics of the University of Latvia.


Contemporaries emphasize that Vitauts Tamužs attracted people like a magnet, engaging colleagues, experienced scientists, students and young researchers. With this testamentary will and support to Latvian specialists in the field of composite materials Prof. Vitauts Tamužs had wanted to perpetuate his work in science, as well as to celebrate the intellectual work of the authors of his long-cherished international journal, taking particular care of Latvian scientists, giving them an opportunity to receive motivating material support.

According to the provision, University of Latvia Foundation will administratively support a one-time award of Tamužs Memorial Prize in the amount of EUR 1 000 to a Latvian scientist for the best publication in the journal “Mechanics of Composite Materials”. The prize will be awarded once a year for the next five years.

About the University of Latvia Foundation

Since 2004, the UL Foundation provides an opportunity to patrons and cooperation partners to support both the University of Latvia and other leading higher education institutions of our country, thereby investing in the future of Latvia. The priorities of the UL Foundation are to support the most outstanding, dedicated students and researchers, to advance creation of a modern study environment, as well as to promote construction and refurbishment of university’s buildings.


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